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Gynaecological Ultrasound

Gynaecological Ultrasound Birmingham

In gynaecology and obstetrics, ultrasound scan is a basic diagnostic tool. It is believed that transvaginal scan should be a standard element of any gynaecological examination, because it is the only method that allows for accurate assessment of the condition and structure of female internal reproductive organs.

What does gynaecological ultrasound in Birmingham looks like?

The examination is carried out with probes (transvaginal, supra-pubic) and specialised ultrasound equipment, which thanks to the use of high frequency sound waves, produces 2D, 3D or 4D images of examined internal organs (uterus, cervix, ovaries and endometrium). In this way, the doctor can assess the shape, location, size and the inside image of the organs, as well as, check for abnormalities such as polyps, cysts, fibroids and other abnormal conditions of female internal reproductive organs.

What are the indications for the procedure?

Gynaecological ultrasound in Birmingham should be performed as a preventive measure at least every two years. It is especially important for women who are sexually active. It can, among others, verify:

  • early pregnancy
  • suspected malformations within female internal reproductive organs
  • suspected abnormalities such as: polyps, cysts, fibroids
  • suspected tumours of reproductive organs
  • location of vaginal ring

How to prepare for the gynaecological ultrasound in Birmingham?

It is advised to come for the scan within a few days after menstrual period. Before the transvaginal scan, the patient needs to empty the bladder and remember about the proper hygiene of intimate areas.

How is the scan performed?

The scan is performed in a lying down position on the gynaecological bed. The procedure is painless and involves insertion of a small probe (1-2cm in diameter) protected with a latex cover into the vagina. The probe is connected with the ultrasound equipment, which registers the sound waves bouncing off internal organs and transmits pictures onto a monitor. The doctor will move the probe around while it is still inside the body to get the most comprehensive picture of the internal organs. The procedure lasts up to 20 minutes.