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Dr Alina Kujawa

Aesthetic Medicine

Medical Doctor

In 1996 Dr Alina Kujawa graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the Medical Academy in Bydgoszcz. Another step of her professional career was obtaining 1st degree specialization in Internal Medicine.

More than ten years of experience as a primary care physician in Poland allowed Dr Kujawa to obtain extensive experience in treating patients with a variety of conditions at every stage of advancement.

Dr Kujawa has been practicing medicine in Britain for the last six years, and is invariably respected not only for her expertise and professionalism but also for her tremendous kindness towards patients of all ages. She constantly expands her knowledge regarding the diagnostics and treatment of internal diseases in adults and children.

With the needs of modern-day patients in mind, dr Kujawa offers treatments also from the field of Aesthetic Medicine. In her everyday practice she uses cutting-edge products and follows the latest medical standards applied in this branch of medicine. Her speciality are anti-aging treatments, including:

  • Botox,
  • hyaluronic acid fillers and face shaping,
  • PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma therapy.